
Podcast: Paul Aston – Pushing Geometry and reliability of bikes
Podcast, Interview Jens Staudt Podcast, Interview Jens Staudt

Podcast: Paul Aston – Pushing Geometry and reliability of bikes

A good ol’ Mountainbike ramble. Paul Aston is not an unknown person in the bike media world. In this Testpilot Podcast we talk about, what he calls his „light bulb moment“ he had with a bike he first couldn’t really ride but made some geometry changes on to transform it to what he Called back then „the best bike ever“. A second light bulb moment with GEometron Bikes from Chris Porter. A little bit about his crowd funded testing of bikes and components on his website

Podcast: Dave Weagle – MTB design, kinematics pros and cons on linkage - Part 2 of 2
Podcast, Interview Jens Staudt Podcast, Interview Jens Staudt

Podcast: Dave Weagle – MTB design, kinematics pros and cons on linkage - Part 2 of 2

In one packed hour, Dave and Jens will try to explain, the complexity in bike design. They shed light on the advancing of bike technology and how we as humans are still the weakest part of it. How technology got better and how hard it can be to set it up. We dip on how to influence riding characteristic’s of a bike via kinematic design and head back to the 90s for the first steps with chain guides.
